Thursday, February 11, 2016

hey y'all

hey people! :)
so every post i write begins with "sorry it's been awhile" so i won't even bother saying that. ;) today is the first time i've had wifi for almost a month & a half!! i also haven't been home for a month & a half! the second semester of school has been going even better than the first. it's a lot of fun seeing friends everyday & .... believe it or not....learning new things. ;) i won't be able to blog that much until summer so if you want to keep up with me then follow me on instagram (@everydayjessann) or add me on snapchat @jessannphoto to see snipets of my life. :) while i've been up here i've still been shooting for Forever His Princess so i will leave you with pictures of that.....well gotta go! see ya & have a wonderful week!
-jess ann

p.s. i was gonna leave you with pictures but apparently they don't feel like being uploaded right now sooo go to to see them! :)