Sunday, September 6, 2015

Life In Kansas

Hey y'all! It seems like an eternity since I've blogged but its been only 2 weeks. The place I'm staying at in KS doesn't have wifi,,,,,but i get my own apartment so that makes up for it some. ;) I got to come home yesterday afternoon for this weekend and I'm here until tomorrow evening. Yay for Labor Day! Last night me and my friends went to a rodeo. It's SO different in Kansas compared to what I'm use to! There's about 30 highschoolers and 94 students all together!! Besides school there's not too much going on up there. I'll try to update this blog every so often buuut it may be every every every so often. :P Well....i hope y'all have a great Labor Day!

-jess ann


  1. You're own apartment? Goodness, you're so lucky! I hope you have a fantastic Labor Day weekend as well!

    xoxo Morning

    1. Well not completely by myself. It's in a basement, but yeah. :) Thanks!

  2. Kansas? I'm in Missouri! State neighbors! ^^ :P Also, are you high school age? If so, I agree with Morning--lucky! But I probably won't be able to handle my own apartment by college, let alone high school :P

    O | Life as a Young Lady

    1. Hey!! Awesome!!! :D and yup I'm 15...haha yeah I've always been independent. ;)
